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Monday, June 25, 2007

Music Director/Organist Needed

Music Director/Organist

Brief Description of Position with Experience and Academic Requirements:

Are you looking for a place where you can build on wonderful rich traditions and develop new ones? Do you get excited about bringing together a variety of musical styles and gifts into one worshipful chorus? Can you visualize new possibilities while working across generations of musicians? Does a community that offers the arts, history, diverse recreational activities, and beautiful beaches interest you?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Charleston, SC, may be the call for you!

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) seeks a part-time Music Director/Organist. The ideal candidate is one who has as first priority a love of God and who will lead the congregation to deepen their faith in Christ through music. As directed by the Book of Order, the Music Director/Organist must be able to work closely with the Pastor to develop and coordinate the music program for the church. While St. Andrew’s currently offers a traditional worship experience, the Music Director should be able to broaden – as the Pastor and the Worship Ministry Team deem appropriate – the scope of the music program to include a variety of music styles. It is quite possible that the position will be split into two positions due to the varied skills being sought.

Application Information: Interested applicants are encouraged to send a cover letter and resume via US Postal Service to the Music Director/Organist Search Committee; St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church; 712 Wappoo Rd.; Charleston, SC 29414, or via e-mail to For additional information, visit our website at

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Signs, Crosses express grief of Lowcountry

By Rheana Murray
The Post and Courier
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Decorated with words, flowers and a photograph of a firefighter, nine wooden crosses stand in front of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church on Wappoo Road.

Young hands created them during Sunday youth service.

The crosses join signs and billboards as one way Lowcountry residents are expressing thanks and grief over the loss of nine firefighters last week. Space that usually is reserved for help-wanted notices, sales information or self-promotion now is dedicated to memorializing lost lives and offering sympathy and prayers in a way reminiscent of 9/11.

On Sunday, there were exactly nine people at the youth service, said Pearl Jones, director of Christian Education at St. Andrews. "One per cross; it was perfect," she said. "We couldn't have done it any better if we'd planned it."

Jones said there are usually between five and 18 students.

The idea to decorate the crosses in memory of the firefighters who died at the Sofa Super Store in West Ashley came from church members Brandy and Brian Cence.

Just past the church, along Savannah Highway, signs outside local businesses also honor the lost men.

Prayers for the men and their families are on the sign hanging outside The Agent Owned Realty Co. Broker Claude Loadholdt said members of the company were friends with some of the firefighters, and one was a client.

"We're trying to show respect. I don't know when we'll take it down," he said. "How do you decide when it's been enough time?"

In Summerville, especially near Summerville High School, signs carrying similar messages are abundant. Louis Mulkey, one of the firefighters who died, was a coach and substitute teacher at the school, and the sign outside the building pays homage to the fallen firefighters.

Near the high school, Sheryl Winningham, owner of Pete's Fireworks, rearranged the letters on the sign hanging above her small stand to display a message blessing firefighters and their families. "We knew Louis, so we put that up for him and the rest of them," she said. Winningham's sons knew Mulkey from a church basketball league, which he also coached.

A sign hanging outside Alex's Restaurant in West Ashley calls for sympathy for the firefighters' families. Abby Scholl, a waitress at the 24-hour diner, says one of the men was a customer. "As far as the community, I'm glad we've come together," she said. "But it's a sad way to make history."


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Will Our Faith Have Children?

Sermon Summary: Will Our Faith Have Children?

Will our faith have children? Not our children having faith. What will we believe? Not who. This is the last in the series on Ruth. Ruth 4: 13-22 is the scripture reading.

13 So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. Then he went to her, and the LORD enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son. 14 The women said to Naomi: "Praise be to the LORD, who this day has not left you without a kinsman-redeemer. May he become famous throughout Israel! 15 He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age. For your daughter-in-law, who loves you and who is better to you than seven sons, has given him birth."

16 Then Naomi took the child, laid him in her lap and cared for him. 17 The women living there said, "Naomi has a son." And they named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David.

18 This, then, is the family line of Perez:
Perez was the father of Hezron,

19 Hezron the father of Ram,
Ram the father of Amminadab,

20 Amminadab the father of Nahshon,
Nahshon the father of Salmon,

21 Salmon the father of Boaz,
Boaz the father of Obed,

22 Obed the father of Jesse,
and Jesse the father of David.
Rucker spoke to us of the importance of being informed. He reads 10 newspapers a day. Pastor Coleman reads one..the Post and Courier. What he turns to first is Andy Capp. Andy approached the vicar and asked how he is. The Vicar was trying to come up with a good line. Andy only takes a minute. We want 5 minute abs, children to grow tall quickly but id does not happen that way. Life takes time. Faith needs time to mature, grow, prune and blossom. There are no easy shortcuts. It takes hard work to see to it that our faith has children. We have responsibilities.

The decisions we make each day matter for the entire community, the world and all eternity. We have a choice each live for ourselves or for all eternity. We see how Ruth works out her own survival once her sons die. Orpah leaves her mother in law but Ruth stays. Where you go I will go. Where you lodge I will lodge and your people will be my people. It is the story of a Moabite woman being faithful to a vow she makes to Naomi and the God of Israel. The God of Israel blesses her and her community and her children and you and me.

Ruth and Naomi struggle for their survival. Ruth meets Moab through God's providence. He gives her lots of left over food and protects her from his men. Naomi comes up with a plan. Ruth is to go to Boaz in the dark of night, on the threshing room floor and lies beside him. Ruth asks Boaz to marry her. There was another next of kin who was first in line to marry Ruth. Boaz checks it out. The next day "no name" shows up at the city gate. He offers him the field but Naomi goes with it. It he accepts the field and not Naomi and Ruth, all he has will have to carry on in the name of Elimelech. "No name" is not interested in that. He preserves his own name which has been lost to history.

Boaz marries Ruth. The decisions we make every day matter. Not in the immediate family but the community now and in the future. God has called us to bear the name of another. Boaz and Ruth got married. God blesses them with a child and the community gathers around them. :He shall be to you a restorer of life." Hold on to that. Restorer of life! The women of the community named the baby. They came up with Obad which means servant. He was the father of Jesse, father of David. Through the generations God is working out promises.

Will our faith have children? God's promises are worked out generation through generation. We cannot assume our neighbors know about Jesus Christ. How will they live the faith if we don;t tell them? Teach them. Our faith celebrates the goodness of God. Will our faith have children? God's purposes are being worked out through us. May our faith have children.


Summer Sunday School Schedule

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Children Classes
will be as follows:

Ages 3-5 years old~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rm #2 Preschool Building

Rising 1st grader-graduated 4th grade~~~~~~~~~~Rm #2 Preschool Building


Rising 6th grade-high school~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Youth House


Adult classes will be meeting throught the summer.

Please contact Pearl Jones at the church if you have any questions.


Congregational Meeting

There will be a congregational meeting on June 10th during worship for the purpose of electing church members to serve on an Elder/Trustee Nominating Committee. In accordance with the Book of Order, the Session has designated two elders to serve, Reese Rambo and Pete Duncan. The additional members will be elected by the congregation.


Saturday, June 02, 2007

Youth Confirmation

On Sunday May 20th, the Youth Confirmation Class became new members of St. Andrews. The members in the confirmation class had been attending youth group, bible study and Sunday School for over the past year to get ready to be confirmed.

The weekend began with a youth retreat to Edisto Island Presbyterian Church on Friday afternoon. The confirmation class spent the night on Edisto and had a full day of activities and fun. They returned on Saturday afternoon to meet with the Session at 5:30 to be welcomed as new members of St. Andrews. During the Session meeting the confirmation class shared their faith journeys. They did this by showing us all the stoles that they made during the retreat. Each youth had an incredibly unique and personal faith journey told by the images they selected to place on their stole.

On Sunday the Youth were presented to the church during worship. They had the opportunity to share their faith journeys with the congregation. Following Moments of Fellowship there was a lunch for the Confirmation class and their families.

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Retired Lt. Col. Rucker Snead

How can we find sound, reliable information about world events? On Sunday June 3rd, Retired Lt. Col. Rucker Snead will meet with the Young Adult Sunday school class to discuss how we can stay informed about current events. Please come and enjoy what promise to be a stimulation conversation. We will meet in the weekday school building at 9:40 sharp.

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