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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Internation Justice Mission Sunday

This Sunday, the Rev. Larry Martin, Sr. VP of International Justice Mission, will speak. He will speak to adults at 9:45 at St. Andrew's in the fellowship hall, and then will preach during worship. Sunday evening, he will speak at Second Presbyterian Church at 7:00. IJM is involved in remarkable ways in the world, sharing in the mission of God to set the captives free--literally!! I pray that you will receive this opportunity as a gift to learn more about ways that the Lord is at work in the world and how we can share in that mission.


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday Services will be held on February 6th at 6:30 PM. Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, a period of self reflections and self examination to prepare us to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Shrove Tuesday: Pancake Supper

The day before the beginning of Lent is known as Shrove Tuesday. To shrive someone, in old-fashioned English (he shrives, he shrove, he has shriven or he shrives, he shrived, he has shrived), is to hear his acknowledgement of his sins, to assure him of God's forgiveness, and to give him appropriate spiritual advice. The term survives today in ordinary usage in the expression "short shrift". To give someone short shrift is to pay very little attention to his excuses or problems. The longer expression is, "to give him short shrift and a long rope," which formerly meant to hang a criminal with a minimum of delay.

On Shrove Tuesday, many Christians make a special point of self-examination, of considering what wrongs they need to repent, and what amendments of life or areas of spiritual growth they especially need to ask God's help in dealing with. Often they consult on these matters with a spiritual counselor, or receive shrift.

Shrove Tuesday is also called Fat Tuesday (in French, Mardi=Tuesday; gras=fat, as in "pate de foie gras", which is liver paste and very fatty), because on that day a thrifty housewife uses up the fats that she has kept around (the can of bacon drippings, or whatever) for cooking, but that she will not be using during Lent. Since pancakes are a standard way of using up fat, the day is also called Pancake Tuesday. In England, and perhaps elsewhere, the day is celebrated with pancake races. The contestants run a course while holding a griddle and flipping a pancake. Points are awarded for time, for number and height of flips, and number of times the pancake turns over. There are of course penalties for dropping the pancake.

(Digression: In December, Jews celebrate the feast of Hanukkah, the re-dedication of the Temple after it had been captured by pagans and desecrated. (See John 10:22 and also the apocryphal book of 1 Maccabees 4:36-59.) It is said (though not in our earliest sources) that when the Temple was rededicated, there was only enough pure oil to light the lamps for one day, and no prospect of getting more for eight days. It was decided to light the lamps anyway, and the supply of oil lasted for eight days, until more could be gotten. To commemorate this abundance of oil, Jews are accustomed at Hanukkah to eat potato pancakes, called latkes, which are made with an abundance of oil. Thus the custom of eating pancakes at a time when oil or fat is presumably abundant is common to both traditions.)

Today at 6:00 PM, the Men of the Church
will be preparing their delicious pancakes! Come and enjoy the fellowship.
Donations will be acepted at the door.