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Friday, March 13, 2009

Celebration for Pearl Jones!!!

We are celebrating our precious gem, Pearl Jones!

Sunday, March 15, we will have a covered dish luncheon following the 11:00 worship service. The purpose for this luncheon is to celebrate and give thanks to God for the 6 years of ministry that we have been so richly blessed to share with Pearl.

March 15 is Pearl's last Sunday with us. This will also be your chance to thank her for all that she has contributed to the worship and mission of St. Andrew's. See you there!


Monday, March 02, 2009

My95 Begins This Week!!

My95 begins this week!!

"How can I participate?" you might wonder.

Well, I'm glad you asked! There are basically 4 ways to participate:

1. My95 will include a sermon series that begins (March 1) and goes through April 5 (Palm Sunday). You can participate by sharing in our worship during these weeks.

2. My95 will include a daily devotional that has a passage of Scripture, a brief story, and a prayer. The devotions begin Monday, March 2, and are for 5 weeks. You can pick up a copy in worship Sunday, March 1, or we can send you the devotions electronically (e-mail).

3. My95 will include a weekly Bible study. Most of the Bible study groups will meet in the homes of church members. Pearl and Pastor Spike have organized the church into groups. If you do not know which group you are in, please see an usher Sunday morning. The ushers will have copies of the people in each group.

4. My95 will conclude on April 5th with a covered-dish supper that Sunday evening. We will enjoy a wonderful meal and fellowship around the table, we will share in worship, and we will share ways in which God blessed us and inspired us to Share the Joy of Life in Christ through My95.