Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ!
Many people have asked about ways in which we can respond to the disaster in Haiti. One is to pray and recognize that the recovery will take a long, long time. Given the situation in Haiti, this is also an opportunity to rebuild a more just society.
For now, the most helpful thing we can supply is money for relief supplies and relief workers. Here are credible ways that you can contribute (these will also be in the bulletin Sunday):
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance:
Hearts with Haiti:
Water Missions International:
I know you will want to give and to do so generously. Please do! But also be very careful. In a situation, when there is a disaster of this magnitude, there will be many people trying to exploit the suffering of our brothers and sisters by running scams. So give, but only to organizations that you know!!!
Also, I recognize that many members of St. A's will not get or read this message. For those who do not use computers, you may write checks to St. Andrew's, writing on the memo line or the offering envelop "Haiti relief effort."
If you give through St. A's, the money will be forwarded to the Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery, which will send a check each week that money comes in to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. If you wish to contribute to another organization, please do so directly, either giving online or by mailing a check.
Again, thank you, in advance, for Sharing the Joy with our neighbors in Haiti.