Thursday, April 22, 2010
Clean City Sweep 2010
Youth Spaghetti Luncheon
The Way of the Lamb?
I hope you and those you love are having a good week.
As we prepare for worship this Sunday (April 25), here are the
Scripture lessons and the sermon title:
Isaiah 55:6-9
Revelation 7:9-17
Sermon title: The Way of the Lamb?
The sermon this week will be based on our text from Revelation. It
will focus on the image of the Lamb of God, particularly on what this
depiction suggests of the nature of God and of God's response to evil
and suffering in the world. As we explore this together, we will then
consider what it means for us today to follow in "The Way of the
While there is much confusion about how to interpret Revelation, there
are characteristics of Apocalyptic literature that enable us to better
understand this book's witness to Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.
As you no doubt are aware, Apocalyptic literature employs a wide
array of symbols to convey meaning. Since the end of the 18th
century, a number of examples of Apocalyptic literature have been
discovered (most dating back between 200 BC-100 AD). By comparing
these examples, we have discerned common uses of symbols, especially
colors and numbers.
Here are a few that you may find helpful:
White = victory
Red = war, conflict
Black = lack of something (like food, for example)
greenish-gray ("pale" in some translations) = death
3 = the realm of the spirit
3.5 = the time evil is allowed to run its course
4 = the created order
7 = complete, mature
10 = fullness, all, total
12 = people of God
Of course, it is important to remember that numbers are used
symbolically that also include multiples and combinations of numbers
(example: 144,000 in Rev.. 7:4).
Questions to consider: Revelation 7:9-17
What is the setting for this vision? Where does it take place?
Who is there? Where are they from? What are they wearing?
What do you think are the significance of the white robes and palm
branches? What does white symbolize in Apocalyptic literature?
What are the people doing in this vision? Are they quiet? Sad? Joyful?
Who is the Lamb? How do you know? Why is this image used? What is
the point of this image?
How did the Lamb respond in his time of tribulation at the hands of
the Roman authorities? Did he trust God? What did God do for the
What have the people in the white robes experienced? (v. 14)
What were the followers of Jesus experiencing at the end of the first
century AD in Asia Minor? Do you think the original hearers of
Revelation would have been able to identify with the people dressed in
white robes? Why? Or why not?
Have you ever suffered as a consequence of your faith in Jesus Christ?
What happened? Did your experience change in any way your
relationship with and understanding of who Jesus Christ is? If so,
Based on the experiences of the church at the end of the first
century, what do you think it means to say "they have washed their
robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb"? (v. 14).
(Remember what white symbolized in Apocalyptic literature)
To these people, does God keep his promised and fulfill his purpose
for their lives?
Do you trust God to do the same for you and the people you love? How
does your answer to this question influence the way you make decisions
in your daily life?
What does it mean for us to be washed in the blood of the Lamb and to
follow in his Way?
See you Sunday!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Confirmation breakfast, 9:45 Sunday
This Sunday the Christian Education ministry team will host a
breakfast for the youth who participated in the confirmation class and
their mentors.
We will begin at 9:45!
See you Sunday, and come hungry to enjoy the delicious treats that
will be provided!
Friday, April 02, 2010
Easter Worship Service
Easter Sunrise Service
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Confirmation schedule
Easter sermon lessons, And So it Begins...
- Does this passage encourage you or offer you hope? Why (why not)?
- Have you ever experienced anything like the images in verse 25?
- When you life gets hectic & crazy and your feel disoriented, how do you usually respond? Do you stick to your practices and the things in life that are familiar, or do you just feel like collapsing (emotionally and spiritually, as well as physically)?
- Why did the women in this text wait until the first day of the week to go to Jesus' tomb? (see Luke 11:56)
- Why did they go to Jesus' tomb? What did they discover when they arrived?
- Who are the two men who greeted them? Does Luke's description of their clothes remind you of another story in Luke? (think Luke 9:28-36, also where Jesus speaks with Moses & Elijah about the Exodus (Greek word is Exodon) that he will accomplish in Jerusalem.
- What did these men say to the women? Whose words did they quote? (Do you remember 9:51, when "Jesus set his face to go to Jerusalem"? The act of setting one's face is to take on the role of prophet (see examples of this in Jeremiah).
- What did the women do next?
- How did the male apostles respond to the news? ("Idle tale" is a understated way of translating the Greek word Luke uses! If you have other translations of the Bible, check to see if other translations of this word are different from the RSV, which is our per Bible)
- Where were the women when Jesus was crucified? Where were the men (male apostles) when Jesus was crucified?
- Do you think this (verse 12) is a strange way to end the first Easter Sunday? Do you know people who think the Gospel of Jesus Christ is "an idle tale"? Why do you think they believe that?
- What do you believe is the significance of Jesus' resurrection for your life? ...for the world?