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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Friends of the Groom, children's message

Greetings to you all on this beautiful Wednesday afternoon!
This Sunday we are thrilled to have the theatre company Friends of the Groom with us for worship.
While they will take place in a variety of ways, one way will be with the children's message.  They are going to do a special drama for the children, "The Tale of the Three Trees."
This worship service will be special for our children!
See you Sunday, if not before!

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Friends of the Groom: Rally Day Aug 29th

Friends of the Groom, a theater group committed to proclaiming the Christian message, will perform at 11 a.m. Aug. 29 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 712 Wappoo Road in West Ashley. This is a group not to miss!! Please bring your family and invite your neighbors. The group of adult performers from Cincinnati, Ohio, work together as believers committed to reveal the Gospel of Jesus Christ through drama, storytelling, music, workshops and other renewing experiences.

Rally Day Events: Churchwide Breakfast 9:30 in the Fellowship Hall.

Sunday School begins at 9:45

Worship: 11:00 Friends of the Groom

Everyone is invited and child care is available.
For more information, call 766-4262