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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Friday movie night, "Amazing Grace"

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather we've had this week!  Perfect!
Just a reminder:  the youth are sponsoring a movie night this Friday (Oct. 8) at 7:00 in the fellowship hall.
The movie will be "Amazing Grace," about the life of Wilber Wilberforce and his efforts to end the slave trade in the British Empire.
When the movie was out in theatres a few years ago about 20 people from St. A's saw it together.  It's truly a remarkable story of faith, courage and persistence.
The youth will provide the movie snacks. 
There is no charge for the movie or snacks, but donations will be accepted.  The money raised will be used for the youth mission trip in 2011.
See you Friday!

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.