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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Pageant Dress Rehearsal: Saturday!

Christmas Pageant dress rehearsal: Every child and every youth needed this Saturday morning at the church from 9:00 am to 12 noon. Yes....everyone..all children and that parts, songs and costumes can be finalized for this Sunday! See you there!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Website is Live!

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

Check out our new website, now live.  It will help is members could pull it up whenever they are on line to help it rise in the search rankings making it more easily found on the web.  Let us know what you think!


Youth Christmas Craft Day

Youth Christmas Craft Day! This Sun., Dec. 18th from 12:30 - 2pm in the Youth House. We will be having lunch, listening to Christmas music and making a special Christmas Craft! Youth grades 6-12, please let Lauren know by Wednesday if you can come. All Youth Welcome!

Christmas Joy Offering: this Sunday

We will participate in this special offering this Sunday, December 18th.
Peace, Spike

For more information click the link below!
Christmas Joy Offering


Su Voz Fri Dec 9 - Tues, Dec 13, 2011

These are very insightful devotions from our sisters and brothers in Cuba.
Peace, Spike


HEBREOS 4:11-16
"Luego les dijo: "Lo que me ha pasado es aquello que les anuncié cuando estaba todavía con ustedes: que había de cumplirse todo lo que está escrito de mí en la ley de Moisés, en los Libros de los profetas y en los salmos" Entonces hizo que entendieran las Escrituras"
Lucas 24:44-45
¡Cómo me gustaría  a veces tener a Jesús tan cerca de mí como lo tenían los discípulos aquella vez, para que me pueda también a mí hacer entender Las Escrituras! Tantas cosas hay que no logro a veces entender. Y cuando la gente me pregunta sobre el significado de textos que yo misma no comprendo, siento que estoy fallando con mi misión evangelizadora.  
Estoy seguro de que muchos de ustedes  se sienten igual. Jesús mismo se sentó junto a Sus discípulos y les hizo entender las Escrituras. Si a ellos les ayudó penetrar a las Escrituras por esta puerta, confío que también a nosotros nos puede ayudar. Nada puede ser más importante que el milagro de resurrección. Si realmente creemos que con ella comenzó para nosotros una nueva vida, por supuesto que todo debe ser interpretado desde allí. Entonces todos aquellos textos que hoy nos molestan porque no logramos entenderlos deben ser releídos con ojos iluminados por el milagro de la muerte y resurrección de Cristo.

Te pedimos Señor, que nos ayudes a creer en el milagro de tu muerte y resurrección. Te pedimos que nos abras los ojos para comprender todo lo que sobre ti está escrito. Amén.
HEBREWS 4:11-16
"He said to them, 'This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.  Then he opened their minds to they could understand the Scriptures."
Luke 24:44-45
How I would love at times to have Jesus as close to me as the disciples had him that time, so that he could help me as well to understand the Scriptures!  There are sometimes so many things which I am unable to understand. And when people ask me the meaning of texts which I myself do not understand, I feel like I am failing in my evangelical mission.
I am sure that many of you feel the same. Jesus himself sat next to His disciples and made them understand the Scriptures.  If they were able to penetrate the Scriptures through this door, I trust that He can help in the same way.  Nothing surpasses the importance of the miracle of the resurrection. If we truly believe that because of it our lives have begun anew, then of course everything else should be interpreted from that point. And then all of those passages which bother us because we are unable to understand them, should be reread with eyes enlightened by the miracle of the death and resurrection of Christ.
PRAYER: Lord, we ask you to help us to believe in the miracle of your death and resurrection.  We ask that you open our eyes so that we can understand everything that has been written about you. Amen.
MATEO 25:14-21
"A uno de ellos le entregó cinco mil monedas, a otro dos mil y a otro mil"
Mateo 25:15

Muchos de nosotros tratamos de mantenernos lo mejor posible física y mentalmente. El ejercicio debe ser regular, y de acuerdo a nuestras posibilidades. Para mantener nuestras mentes alertas, leemos o resolvemos problemas. El mensaje sutil que se esconde detrás de nuestros esfuerzos es: "Si no lo usas, lo pierdes" Todos nosotros hemos recibido varios dones y habilidades de Dios. Los artistas cristianos y los músicos producen obras que podemos  ver y oír. Pero algunos talentos están más escondidos. Dios le ha dado a cada persona algún don que puede engrandecer Su Reino. En Romanos 12:6-8 se menciona el servir, el enseñar, el animar, el contribuir a las necesidades de otros, el liderazgo, y el mostrar misericordia. Reflexione sobre estos dones. Usted puede descubrir uno o más talentos escondidos que puede ejercitar para beneficio de otros. En 1ra de Corintios 13, San Pablo describe el mayor don: el amor. Los cristianos recibimos este don cuando, siendo pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros. El amor por otros es nuestra respuesta a Dios por Su gran amor por nosotros.
ORACION: Señor, perdónanos por no usar nuestros dones como debiéramos. Ayúdanos a encontrar maneras de demostrar más amor. Amén.
MATTHEW 25:14-21
"To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent…"
Matthew 25:15
Many of us try to maintain the best possible physical and mental health for ourselves.  We exercise as regularly as possible. We read and problem-solve in order to keep our minds alert.  The subtle hidden message behind our efforts is: "If you don't use it, you lose it." Each of us has received various gifts and abilities from God. Christian artists and musicians produce works that can be seen and heard. But some gifts are more hidden. God has given each person a gift that can enhance His Kingdom.  Romans 12:6-8 mention the gifts of service, teaching, encouragement, contributing to the needs of others, leadership, and showing mercy.  Let us consider these gifts. You may discover one or more hidden gifts which can be used for the benefit of others.  In 1 Corinthians 13, Saint Paul describes the greatest gift: love. Christians received this gift when, being sinners, Christ died for us.  Love for others is our response to God for His great love toward us.
PRAYER: Lord, forgive us when we do not use our gifts as we should. Help us to find ways to demonstrate more love.  Amen.


JUAN 10:7-16
"…he venido para que tengan vida en abundancia"
Juan 10:10
¡Con cuánta frecuencia las experiencias amargas de la aflicción y el dolor colocan un hierro en nuestras vidas y afilan nuestra comprensión de los verdaderos valores de la vida! Cuando todas las cosas van bien, parece que servimos a Dios por Sus excelentes recompensas. Pero tarde o temprano  el dolor llega. A veces el desastre nos toma desprevenidos . Quizás hayamos dicho: "Eso no pudo sucederme a mí". Pero sucedió, y no hay explicación inmediata. El salmista escribió: "Estando en angustia, me hiciste ensanchar". Nuestras experiencias atormentadoras en los conflictos pueden atarnos con cadenas. Podemos ver por primera vez que nuestros hermanos llevan también una pesada carga muy parecida a la nuestra, y entonces somos más solidarios y más amorosos. La Biblia nos habla de José, el muchacho que soñó tener autoridad sobre sus hermanos, pero Dios le requirió que pasara por la experiencia del calabozo para hacerlo su administrador y conservador de alimentos de confianza. José aprendió la voluntad de Dios a manos de las malas intenciones de sus hermanos. Hermanos y hermanas, Dios permita  que aprendamos a ver Su  rostro en las sombras de la vida, que aprendamos  que cuando la tormenta es más furiosa, Él está allí, que aprendamos también que todos los eventos, buenos o malos, los usará para nuestro bien si permanecemos firmes y consagrados en Sus caminos y propósitos, y que aprendamos que el cristiano hace más en sonreír y sobrellevar la carga.
ORACION: Oramos como los caminantes de Emaùs: "Quédate con nosotros, porque se hace tarde". Amén.

JOHN 10:7-16
"…I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
John 10:10
How often do the bitter experiences of suffering and pain place a sword in our lives which sharpens our understanding of the true values in life!  When everything is going well, it seems that we serve God for His excellent rewards. But sooner or later comes the pain. Sometimes disaster takes us unawares.  We may have told ourselves: "That can't happen to me."  But it happened, and there is no immediate explanation.  The psalmist wrote:  "Through my suffering, you made me grow."  Our painful experiences in times of conflict can tie us down in chains. For the first time we can see that our brothers and sisters also carry a burden very similar to ours, and then we become more empathetic and more loving.  The Bible tells us the story of Joseph, the young man who dreamt that he would have authority over his brothers, but God made him experience incarceration in a cell in order to make him His administrator and trust conservationist of all food.  Joseph discovered God's will through the evil intentions of his brothers. Brothers and sisters, God allows us to see His face in the shadows of life, so that when the storm is at its worst, we can know that He is there.  And so that we can also learn that every situation, good or bad, will be used for our good if we remain firmly dedicated to following Him and His purposes.  And that we may learn that the Christian who smiles and who endures his burden is the one who does the most good.
PRAYER:  We pray as did the men on the road to Emmaus: "Stay with us, because it is late." Amen.

MATEO 6:19-24
"El reino de Dios es como un tesoro escondido en un terreno"
Mateo 13:44

Si un fuego estuviera por destruir tu casa, ¿Qué posesiones materiales tratarías de salvar? Algunos tomarían un recuerdo familiar, joyas, dinero o fotografías. Lo que tratamos de salvar refleja lo que valoramos. Sin embargo, por más valor que le demos a nuestro tesoro, este no puede darnos felicidad eterna. Con el tiempo también se perderá. El Reino de los Cielos es el tesoro que nunca perderán aquellos que están en Cristo. El Reino de Dios viene a nosotros por medio de La Palabra del Evangelio, cuando el Espíritu Santo crea en nosotros la fe en Cristo Jesús, nuestro Salvador.
¿Qué valor tiene este tesoro? El hombre de la parábola vendió todo por obtenerlo. Él sabía que nada de lo que poseía era más importante que la abundancia de las riquezas de Dios en Cristo, y esto poseyó su corazón y cambió su vida.
Al considerar todo lo que valoramos comparémoslo con el tesoro eterno del Reino de Dios. Es la "Corona de la vida" (Ap. 2:10), comprada con la muerte y resurrección de nuestro Señor Jesús. Es el tesoro incorruptible en el que podemos poner toda nuestra confianza. Es el tesoro que será nuestro por toda la eternidad.
ORACION: Señor Jesús, llénanos del gozo de conocer tu Reino y tenerte a ti como nuestro mayor tesoro. Amén.
MATTHEW 6:19-24
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field."
Matthew 13:44
If a fire were to destroy your house, which of your material possessions would you try to save?  Some of us would take a family heirloom, jewelry, money or photographs.  What we try to salvage reflects what we most value. Nonetheless, no matter how great the value we give our treasures, they cannot give us eternal happiness.  They, too, will be lost eventually. The Kingdom of Heaven is the one treasure that will never be lost by those who are in Christ.  The Kingdom of God comes to us through the Word of Gospel, when the Holy Spirit creates faith in Christ Jesus, our Savior, within us.
How much is this treasure worth?  The man in the parable sold everything in order to obtain it.  He knew that none of his possessions was more important than the abundant riches of God in Christ, and this took over his heart and changed his life.
When we consider what we most value, let us compare it to the eternal treasure of the Kingdom of God.  It is the "Crown of life" (Revelation 2:10), bought with the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. It is the imperishable treasure in which we can place all our trust.  It is the treasure which will be ours for all eternity.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, fill us with the joy of knowing your Kingdom and of having you as our greatest treasure. Amen.
1RA DE JUAN 5:1-15
"Si pedimos alguna cosa conforme a su voluntad, él nos oye. Y si sabemos que él nos oye en cualquier cosa que pidamos; sabemos que tenemos las peticiones que le hayamos hecho"
1ra de Juan 5:14-15
La palabra latina "veto", que significa "me opongo", designa el derecho reconocido a una autoridad de oponerse a la decisión tomada por otra autoridad. En la Roma antigua, los magistrados, llamados tribunos de la plebe, podían oponerse, bajo el derecho de veto, a los decretos del Senado de los Cónsules. Si la autoridad investida con ese derecho es sabia y justa, hay garantía de buen gobierno; pues así son impedidas las medidas peligrosas para el Estado o las personas. Pero por encima  de todos, existe  una autoridad que el creyente reconoce gustoso: la de Dios, su Padre. Él no sólo es justo y sabio, sino soberanamente bueno y lleno de amor por Sus hijos. Cuando estos oran, pueden estar seguros de que toda petición hecha según la voluntad de su Padre será oída. Tienen Su Palabra para conocer esa voluntad, y el Espíritu Santo que los conduce. Él "ayuda nuestra flaqueza: porque no sabemos orar como se debe; pero el Espíritu mismo hace intercesión por nosotros" ¿Debe esto impedir que oremos? No. Expongamos nuestras necesidades tal como las sentimos y Dios responderá según Su perfecto conocimiento, Su sabiduría y amor. Depositemos toda nuestra confianza en Dios y Él dará Su aprobación a lo que sea según Su pensamiento,  y Su veto a lo que pudiera sernos contrario y dañino.

Gracias Oh Padre, porque confiamos en ti, Dios de seguridad y poder. Amén.

1 JOHN 5:1-15
"…if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him."
1 John 5:14-15
The Latin word "veto," which means "I oppose," recognizes and signals the right of one authority to oppose a decision made by another authority. In ancient Rome the magistrates, called tribunes of the people could oppose the decrees of the Senate of the Consuls through their veto power.  If this vested authority is wisely and justly applied, it guarantees a good government; as this is how dangerous measures for the State or for the people are prevented. But over and above all of these authorities exists an authority which the believer joyfully acknowledges: that of God the Father. Not only is He just and wise, but also thoroughly good and full of love for His children. When His children pray, they can be sure that any prayer made according to the Father's will, shall be heard. They have His Word in order to know that will, and the Holy Spirit to guide and compel them. He "…helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us…" (Romans 8:26) Should this keep us from praying? No. Let us pray by explaining what we feel to be our needs and God will answer our prayers according to His perfect knowledge, His wisdom and His love. Let us put all our trust in God and He will grant His approval to all that agrees with His mind. Likewise, He will veto anything which could be harmful or contrary to His will.

Thank you Oh Father, because we trust in you, God of protection and power.  Amen.

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.

Pray for peace in Congo and safety of mission co-workers

Pray for peace in Congo and safety of mission co-workers


Pray for peace in Congo and safety of mission co-workers

On November 28, the Democratic Republic of Congo held their second-ever democratic elections.  While there have been irregularities reported at polling stations, the election was less volatile than some had feared.  Now the country is in a tense period awaiting the announcement of the election results on Tuesday, December 6.  Some fear there will be violence once the announcement is made.

All of our mission personnel are safe and are working from home or from a safe location.  All have contingency plans in place are and are communicating with staff in Louisville daily. 

Please pray for peace in Congo, as well as for the continuing safety of our mission coworkers, the churches in Congo and for the Congolese people.

Two prayers to guide you:

Lord, be with our brothers and sisters in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Give them ears to hear truth,
        eyes to recognize your face in their neighbors, and
        strength to continue to seek justice and fairness for all in their country.

Accompany the walk of our partners, the Presbyterian Community of Congo and the Presbyterian Community of Kinshasa, as they seek to be incarnate witnesses of your truth.

Shelter the people of Congo and our mission coworkers in your arms.

Remind us that when one part of the Body grieves, so do we all.

Unite us as your children so that Christ's peace and love will reign over us all.

We pray this in the name of the Christ child, whose promised coming reminds us always to be hopeful. Amen.

Prayer of the Kasai

    Mvidi Mukulu, Elder Spirit, Loving Judge,
Brilliant Sun who blinds those looking at You,
The Bounteous Provider who feeds even the animals of the forest,
Father of our ancestors and Father of our Chief, Jesus,
We give You thanks and praise.
    Yesu Kilisto, Jesus Christ, Chief of all Chiefs,
You are the gourd of the water of reconciliation which we drink
to cool our conflict with God, our neighbor, ourselves.
You are the Tshinkunku tree around which our hunters gather to confess sins to each other.
You heal sickness and weakness and sin today even as You did in Israel.
The ancestors said that a son equals his father, thus You are truly God.
    Mueyelu wa Mvidi Mukulu, Breath of God, Holy Spirit,
You are the wind of power moving in and among us cleansing, liberating, and sustaining.
Through You we become joined to people of every tribe and nation.
It is You who give birth to the Church and cause it to move.
    Our God, we give You thanks and praise for Your mercy to us. When we came to this land, You were already here. Though we sleep through the night as if dead, we awaken each morning to life. Give grace to your Church that we might be the hand of Your salvation, of Your liberation to the people of all tribes.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.

From Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Walking with Africans, 20. Translated by Hunter Farrell, Director, Presbyterian World Mission. Also published in A Book of Reformed Prayers, Howard L. Rice and Lamar Williamson, Jr., editors, Westminster John Knox Press, 1998. Used by permission.

Stay up to date on events in the Democratic Republic of Congo


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Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.