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Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Amazing Change

~~You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you
listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more. ~~
—Psalm 10:17, 18

Visit the Amazing Change Website

Ten Things You Can Do

How can you contribute to The Amazing Change? The ten examples below should give you some ideas. If you have any ideas, leave a comment.

  1. Sign the Petition. Become an abolitionist by signing The Petition to End Modern Day Slavery. Click Here To Print a Petition. Take the petition to your school, church, family, friends, et al., and then send it to us (mailing address provided on petition)
  2. See Amazing Grace. This film is a great introduction to the work of William Wilberforce, an original abolitionist. Learn how you can carry on his legacy.
  3. Raise funds to free slaves. Use the tools on this website, such as Loose Change to Loosen Chains, to start your own fundraising campaign.
  4. Educate yourself. Use the resources on the site to learn about the horrors of historical and modern day slavery.
  5. Show solidarity. Buy The Amazing Change t-shirt and tell friends and family about your mission to abolish slavery.
  6. Create a Clapham Circle. William Wilberforce was part of a group of friends and neighbors called the Clapham Circle. They met regularly to discuss ways to advance the cause of abolition. You can form your own Clapham Circle. Have weekly meetings with friends or neighbors in your community to discuss the issue of modern day slavery. Download tools from this website to facilitate your discussion.
  7. Blog. Write about modern day slavery and The Amazing Change in our online community or on your MySpace, Xanga or Facebook profile. Include a link to our website so friends can learn how to get involved.
  8. Ask others. Talk to leaders in your community, school or church about The Amazing Change. and encourage them to become involved.
  9. Read More. Read books about modern day slavery like Not For Sale by David Batstone
  10. Volunteer. Pass on the legacy of William Wilberforce and donate your time to The Amazing Change by joining the street team, creating a Clapham Circle, or fundraising to free slaves.


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