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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Lent Family Gatherings

We will have a Lent Family Gathering this evening at the church. Dinner begins at 5:30pm and bible study will begin at 6:15. Last week Kid's Club participants led in preparing cards, prayer books and letters of encouragement for the Soldier's Boxes. Thank you to all who participated. This week's theme is COVENANT. In its most general sense, is a solemn and bilateral promise to do or not do something specific. In all cases, a covenant may be contrasted with a contract in that a covenant, unlike a contract, always has a moral dimension integral to its solemnity.

What does it mean for us to enter into a covenant with God during Lent? We will move from the wilderness to the first clearing. As you make your plans for the week, prayerfully consider joining us on any Wednesday night for food, fellowship and Bible Study. If you need transportation please call the church office and we will be happy to help with that. Everyone is welcome! Invite a friend! If you have any questions, please contact Angie Bailey, Speed Massenburg or Pearl Jones.


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