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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Worship Ministry Team

The Worship Ministry Team feels led to extend worship and Communion each month to shut=in members who request. We would like to have two-person teams wiling to participate. Each team must have at least one elder; the other member does not have to be ordained.

We would like a commitmemtn of at least a few hours on two Sundays a year. A trainig session, led by former pastoral intern Debbie Johnson will be offered on meaningful worship time with out sisters and brothers in Christ. Maps to residences and a communion set with the elements will be provided to each team.

Please prayerfully consider serving Christ and St. Andrew's in this mission. If you would like to participate, please contact either Sylvia Folk or Angie Blackburn by Sunday, February 11th. After we have a team of volunteers in place, a training date will be set either in late February or early March.

The Worship Ministry Team

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