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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Every Member Canvas

Jesus invites us to share his live in 2007! When we think of ways that Jeus has blessed us in the past, how can we not be excited for ministry opportunities that God has in store for us in the upcoming year?

The Visiting Stewards are calling to visit with all church members to talk about stewardship and opportunities for mission and growth at St. Andrew's. You will have the opportunity to share how God has blessed you and offer ideas and suggestions for the future.

Your Visiting Steward will also receive from you, your promise and pledge cards. They have envelopes for you to seal your confidential pledge in. Your Stewart will return your promise and pledge into the treasurer, Jerilyn Isaacson.

Once pledges have been received, the Session will be able to finalize the church budget for 2007. It will be presented to the congregation at a congregational meeting during worship and later published in The Lamplighter.


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